Saturday, October 30, 2010

fun scribble

linked from Scholars and Rogues:

a visual essay from this British person who has appeared in other blogs.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


With an emphasis on the first syllable, not the latter as it may denote then a labyrinthine incongruity, or to split the emphatic in two, then ascribing to a subject an inner conflict or condition not appropriately expressing itself - in the eyes of a 'majority.'

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

two 'sheng' galleries

EDIT: technically, the word 'shen' usually translates as 'spirit', but sometimes as 'God'


...They say, among the many things they say, that some thousand
years before Trojans founded Rome a scholar named Tsang-kie
was commanded by his emperor to invent Writing, and took his
inspiration from bird tracks in the fluvial sand, by whose
print we know what songs were heard here. Whence men write
today as birds' feet do, in little clustered lines. (p. 14)
,,After this brief introductory remark on the mythological origin
Chinese writing, Kenner takes great pains to analyze the
etymology of the ideogram ling, which appears in Cantos 85
tittid. 104. Unless one is curious enough to check the notes at the
pack of the book to find out that Kenner has his sources of
information from Wai-lim Yip's letter to him and from L. Weiger's
inese Character, one cannot but marvel at Kenner's recondite
'anowledge of Chinese. What is more, the reader is further
• . and out of all the lingo that chime through Chinese
speech, and mean in different tones and contexts a multitude
of unrelated things, you have designated the ling which means
the spirit or energy of a being, in harmony with the invisible
and by ritual drawing down benefice: we may say, sensibility.
It is used of the work of poets, denoting their reach into
the realm of the natural...

Sunday, September 26, 2010


More clever banter from the blog of Dan Gutstein. Why can't we have a Louis making music today? Or if there is a Louis, I don't know where he is.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


i agree with this mostly

Thursday, August 19, 2010

prescott AZ

while driving north in search of trees we happen to arrive upon the lovely town of prescott arizona where all able beings coalesce midday upon half a dozen or so clean and spacious central streets along with tourists such as ourselves given to occasional snacking or random photography of local events like period reenactment of ok corral in tombstone itself much further south by the way with men in black hats and ladies in complete period regalia of fluffy puffy ripple stockings and sleeves and we might enjoy that and be there or have a lunch of bbq briskets in the palace enjoying a sarsparilla pouring and dudes banging out a gershwin or honky tonk on the upright piano as a gesture of community spirit or the passing through of quiet well manicured city streets with gleaming white balusters plinths and on the cornice rests a copper birdbath below the hung american flag oh and did you know pat benatar will be performing here tonight really yes down at the honda dealership along with reo speedwagon and special guests great i'll need something new for the occasion then let's find ourselves at a hat store and try on boonies and panamas and fedoras and this one your mother likes especially.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jacket 40

My review of Aaron Belz' new book, Lovely, Raspberry, is now available for viewing in Jacket, issue 40.

Special thanks to John Tranter, and also Aaron Belz!
His blog, if you haven't seen it before, is here: