Saturday, October 30, 2010
fun scribble
a visual essay from this British person who has appeared in other blogs.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
two 'sheng' galleries
...They say, among the many things they say, that some thousand
years before Trojans founded Rome a scholar named Tsang-kie
was commanded by his emperor to invent Writing, and took his
inspiration from bird tracks in the fluvial sand, by whose
print we know what songs were heard here. Whence men write
today as birds' feet do, in little clustered lines. (p. 14)
,,After this brief introductory remark on the mythological origin
Chinese writing, Kenner takes great pains to analyze the
etymology of the ideogram ling, which appears in Cantos 85
tittid. 104. Unless one is curious enough to check the notes at the
pack of the book to find out that Kenner has his sources of
information from Wai-lim Yip's letter to him and from L. Weiger's
inese Character, one cannot but marvel at Kenner's recondite
'anowledge of Chinese. What is more, the reader is further
• . and out of all the lingo that chime through Chinese
speech, and mean in different tones and contexts a multitude
of unrelated things, you have designated the ling which means
the spirit or energy of a being, in harmony with the invisible
and by ritual drawing down benefice: we may say, sensibility.
It is used of the work of poets, denoting their reach into
the realm of the natural...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
More clever banter from the blog of Dan Gutstein. Why can't we have a Louis making music today? Or if there is a Louis, I don't know where he is.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
prescott AZ
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Jacket 40
Special thanks to John Tranter, and also Aaron Belz!
His blog, if you haven't seen it before, is here:
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Center of the Room
Thank someone for being that one. Then, while singing a song, walk with that one to the center of the room and back again. Burn something.
from Shaking the Pumpkin, Traditional Poetry of the Indian North Americas
edited with commentaries by Jerome Rothenberg, 1972.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Both art and history
Nero Magazine
Art, photos and journalism from Italy. Both in Italian and English. The way the photos give you something to look at in the span of time it takes to load the next one, it gives the magazine a sense of velocity.
Also interesting is the conversation with Alighiero e Boetti, of whom I really know nothing.
Linguistic study can be valuable, I suppose, if it can tell us the difference between words such as belong and belongings.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
light as element in construction

Lyn Hejinian in Leningrad - American Writers in the Soviet Union by Michael Davidson, Lyn Hejinian, Ron Silliman and Barrett Watten, 1991
for a better view of the pyramid and Columbus Street, you can view this link:
Bay Area light...yes, this is really the case for San Francisco at least. Note how the Transamerica Pyramid has an entire side in complete shadow, I want to say that's how it would look at about two or three o'clock in the afternoon..There are many other smaller-scale examples to be found. Also, the dark green building at the end of Columbus Street, right side, maintains Francis Coppola's restaurant at the bottom floor, and I used to go to poetry readings there approx. 10 years ago. This photo is taken near the intersection at Broadway.
And now, Leningrad: (St. Petersburg today)
That last one is very interesting. Although I haven't been to St. Petersburg, it appears as though at certain times of the day/year, the yellowish tint of the sky moves off, and you are left with the impression of being about a mile up in the stratosphere. I have been to an Alaskan latitude of 57 degrees, but the lightwork was not quite the same, although that could be because there is no outstanding architecture in Alaska to serve as a contrast. At the risk of sounding like a complete hippie, it may be interesting to consider how the available light for an urban region conveys its presence within the composition of creative work that appears among artists, when buildings are a substitute for trees in general.
Thursday, April 15, 2010

I didn't know people still had an interest in Beckett. Though Beckett didn't like Eliot, I find him and Eliot about equally boring. With both of them, the criticism on them has stepped in front of the writing, with the result being that you no longer have to read their work to get an understanding of what they're doing. Often it goes like this: "did you ever see that Beckett play where they...?" and then the spoiler goes ahead and tells you what it's all about. Hm..well thanks, now I don't have to read it.
I have a play that a mildly-successful actor friend described as "kind of Beckett-y"; time to dust that off. Many things in fiction are cooler than being and/or non-being, for example: a girl with a gun.
Should I include a girl with a gun in what would be 7th draft of this play? It's a science-fiction comedy, kind of absurdist. But don't let that sway your opinion. The best way to influence this creative work is by leaving a comment in the comment box, indicating your preference.
Monday, April 12, 2010
right now, I love Rabbit Velvet
I often enjoy the Video Roundup selection from Scholars and Rogues.
Just kidding about George Clinton. Well, kind of.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
in the beginning
Monday, February 22, 2010
preferred furniture
For example, Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen. I find her style very soothing. Maybe I will quote passages from it here shortly. Also digitizing some old documents, time-intensive project. Trying to ascertain if a certain influence was positive or negative. No one you would know.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
suitable reminder
Monday, February 1, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Man and beast together in harmony. Colorful. And who hasn't thought - why aren't there more public statues or sculptures?